Web support center is pening a new future
The new future of web service!
The web support center will make it.

The Web Support Center is a support center established by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for corporate support.
In 2018, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry established a web support center to support companies' websites.
Seven companies, including a homepage production company, a program development company, a filming company, and an internet advertising company, participated in the form of a consortium and supports about 600 companies every year.

As financial support became increasingly difficult in the aftermath of Corona in 2019, the 2020 Web Support Center changed its operating system centering on supported companies without support from local governments and chambers of commerce, and established itself as a support center led by private participation. It is. Although funding support from the government, agencies, and local governments has been cut off, the Web Support Center, which has secured new momentum around 1,000 member companies and continues to carry out web support projects more consistently, is a professional joint support center in which website production agencies and program developers participated. It is.

From website production support to maintenance, repair, and management-
We convert all companies that have applied to become member companies and manage them thoroughly and meticulously.
The Web Support Center actively responds to the changing Internet environment and supports Internet resources that companies need.

CEO. Moon Ki HAN


기업체 지원 국내 1위

매년 600개씩 지원하는
웹지원센터는 기업지원 국내 1위 입니다.

홈페이지를 무료지원 해주는
국내 기관은 단연코 한군데도 없습니다!

상공회의소에서 설립한 웹지원센터는
웹에 관련된 모든것을
무료 컨설팅해드리고 있습니다!


Main status
Establishment date May 15, 2018 [Chamber of Commerce and Industry]
Center address 1201, 92, Jomaru-ro 385beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do (Wonmi-dong, Bucheon Techno Valley U1 CENTER)
Number of employees Consortium 7 companies Total 150 employees
Number of companies
applied each year
300 in the first half, 300 in the second half



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